

TypeWell: Meaning-for-meaning transcription

TypeWell utilizes modern abbreviation software to transcribe speech-to-text in real-time. TypeWell is not verbatim (which is what Communication Access Realtime Translation -- CART -- does). TypeWell is often requested since it utilizes meaning-for-meaning transcription. Meaning-for-Meaning focuses on the main content of what is said, disregarding what is "noise," such as repetitive language and false starts. One advantage of TypeWell, due to its conciseness, the transcript can include emphasis that may not be possible in a verbatim transcript. Another advantage is that TypeWell transcripts can be easier to review later.

  • On-site or remote options
  • Meaning-for-meaning is concise and easy to follow
  • Great for studying and review

TypeWell or C-print transcribers convert spoken language and environmental sounds for context, into easily accessible, clear and concise text. Meaning-for-meaning puts the focus on the intent of the message being communicated rather than superfluous words and false starts. Auditory elements such as tone of voice, repetition, inflections, and emphatic pauses are represented in a visual text to convey the meaning of the spoken communication. Transcribers are trained to condense the nuances of spoken language and condense it into a concise, grammatically correct format.

  • Great for following the context of the room
  • Concise, clear transcripts
  • Transcripts make great text for review
Example of meaning-for-meaning transcription like TypeWell

You can see how the spoken language is clunky and all over the place in comparison to the conciseness of the TypeWell's meaning-for-meaning method.

On-Site or Remote Options

We have providers available to work on-site as well as remotely depending on the need of the consumer. On-site transcribers travel to the location, setup their transcriber equipment, and the consumer can view the captioning on their own device or one of our tablets. Remote transcribers listen to the consumer's audio environment remotely through web conferencing software (Zoom, Skype, etc) and the consumer can view the transcript in real-time via a web link or through the web conferencing software if compatible.

  • On-site Transcriber
  • Remote Transcriber

Why use TypeWell or C-Print?

TypeWell and C-Print provides captioning in real-time. Due to the meaning-for-meaning nature of this method of captioning, it helps to build and reinforce English language skills, great notes for studying class material, and improves class comprehension.

Concise transcripts

Study Skills

Vocabulary building

Improved comprehension

Who benefits from Meaning-for-Meaning captioning?

Consumers that ...

  • Require environmental cues in their captioning
  • Have at least a 4th grade reading skill
  • English as a second language
  • Have a learning disability
Why use TypeWell or C-Print?

TypeWell and C-Print provides captioning in real-time. Due to the meaning-for-meaning nature of this method of captioning, it helps to build and reinforce English language skills, great notes for studying class material, and improves class comprehension.

  • Vocabulary building
  • Studying
  • Concise, accurate transcripts

See what others are saying about TypeWell and C-Print!

From our clients

EAS is a great company to work with when it comes to captioning and interpreting. Our clients are always satisfied with the level of service they receive.

From our clients

Dave and his team at Equal Access Services have been great to work with. They provide excellent customer service and professionalism in all that they do; whether they are providing CART, TypeWell, or Interpreters for students, staff, and events, we know it is always performed to the highest standard.

Contact us about our Typewell services

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